Dear Writing,

I miss you.

I am sorry that sometimes my heart wanders and I neglect you. Despite this ruinous habit of distraction, you must know that I think about you all the time.

I think about the dozens of things you make the perfect catalyst for daily. I want you to see the people I meet, and the people I don’t meet. I want you to reflect their mystery, even after I’ve set them to your words.

No one knows how to understand me like you. You are the only one who can capture my truest feelings with such confidence and ease. You bear the secrets of my hidden pains and laughter. Sometimes I think you’re the only one who can handle me in that way.

Throughout the years, you’ve grown with me. From adolescent phases and anecdotes to bursts of creative eruptions spread across the shorts and lengths of your pages. You allowed me to remember my dreams, and work through my stories. Edit by edit, the microscopic idiosyncrasies peek out between letters and spaces.

In the saddest moments, you’ve been my best friend and confidant. In my most ambitious moments you’ve been one of my grandest dreams, and slowest of passions.

You are always generous, you welcome everyone to experience you as much as necessary. You are disciplined, making wise demands of practice, determination, precision and heart. You are an outlet for the wildest of imaginations and the vastest of questions.

Although I sometimes go days without actively engaging that spark lit beneath the layers of time and circumstance, I could never get by without you. The world would be stark and gray. Thoughts would wreak havoc, chaotically roaming the landscape without any constructive sense of belonging or dialogue.

Oh writing, I miss you. I wanted to tell you, because I want to make more room for you in my life. I know that you’re always there, but sometimes I’m not and I want that to change. I want to work towards the devotion that contributes to our greatest collaborations and successes. And even though it is work, I feel like it is always worth it.

Thank you, for everything.

Sincerely and Ever Yours,


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